Brandon Prosper High School Kicker - Sports Portraits

Brandon is the backup Kicker for the Prosper High School Eagles Football team.

Prosper Football kicker senior photos in suit with silver helmet
Brandon poses with the Prosper Eagles silver helmet with his number 22

Brandon is one of the backup kickers for the Prosper High School Eagles Football Team. He was injured early in the season but is continuing to make strides practicing his kicking and helping out the team.

Brandon's Wardrobe Styling & Location

His stylish outfit includes a black suit with a light blue shirt with a slight crisscrossing pinstripe and Navy blue tie. We also had accessories that included the awesome chrome football helmets that Prosper wears. 

Finding an available field at this time of the year can be tricky. This shoot was done at the football field at Rogers Middle School in Prosper, TX. Yet another absolutely stunning football field. 

prosper football player kicking field goal in suit with senior photographer Jeff Dietz
An action shot of Brandon kicking in style

Kickers Kick! - Prosper High School

I wanted to try some action shots with Brandon’s photos as I really enjoyed how we captured motion before with teammate Devin Haskins as well as our boxing shoot. We made several attempt runs at it, using a practice tee. I can happily report that yes, he made the field goal. 

Brandon got to see some action in the game at Prosper’s matchup last week against Plano West as they won 55 to 7.

Sadly the Prosper Eagles couldn’t hold off undefeated Allen High School this Friday night with a final score of 54-21

prosper senior photographer Prosper Kicker Dallas Sports photos
prosper senior photos with kicker football helmet and ball jeff dietz photography
prosper senior photos sitting on football helmet for eagles in suit

Casual outfit to end the day

We wrapped up Brandon’s Fashion Sports Portraits with a casual outfit in a tide plaid shirt and matching jeans. We did also do some shots at the very end in his #22 Prosper Jersey.

Upcoming we have some new posts we are working on that will go more indepth into some educational topics about our photo shoots. I am also still working on a really fun side. post about some of our favorite movies that you should check out. 

Tune in for a bunch of posts this week.

prosper senior pictures in casual blue jeans with photographer jeff Dietz

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